Thursday, 31 August 2017

How to change the password of Oracle OS user to never expired from UNIX OS

Step 1:
[root@UVWX ~]# chage -l oracle
Last password change                                    : Mar 09, 2017
Password expires                                        : Jun 07, 2017
Password inactive                                       : never
Account expires                                         : never
Minimum number of days between password change          : 1
Maximum number of days between password change          : 90
Number of days of warning before password expires       : 7
Step 2: (Same Password)
[root@UVWX ~]# passwd oracle
Changing password for user oracle.
You can now choose the new password or passphrase.
A good password should be a mix of upper and lower case letters,
digits, and other characters.  You can use a 5 character long
A passphrase should be of at least 3 words, 5 to 40 characters
long, and contain enough different characters.
Alternatively, if no one else can see your terminal now, you can
pick this as your password: "awful&serial&Dutch".
Enter new password:
Re-type new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Step 3:
[root@UVWX ~]# chage -M 365 oracle ============> This is for 365 days extension
[root@UVWX ~]# chage -l oracle
Last password change                                    : Jun 14, 2017
Password expires                                        : Jun 14, 2018
Password inactive                                       : never
Account expires                                         : never
Minimum number of days between password change          : 1
Maximum number of days between password change          : 365
Number of days of warning before password expires       : 7

If it is for Never Expire
Step 4:

[root@UVWX ~]# chage -M 9999 oracle ============> This is for Never Expire mode
[root@UVWX ~]# chage -l oracle
Last password change                                    : Jun 14, 2017
Password expires                                        : never
Password inactive                                       : never
Account expires                                         : never
Minimum number of days between password change          : never
Maximum number of days between password change          : never
Number of days of warning before password expires       : never

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Exadata -RAC database DR Switch over / Switch back procedure


Today's blog is highlighting the steps to follow before, during and post switch over and switch back.

1. Before Switch Over- Prerequisite steps

To do list: 

Before Switch over :-  ( in both primary and standby database)
0. TNSPING between primary and DR will be happeb from every node to it's corresponding DG nodes and vice -versa.
1. make ensure that you have correct password of sys user (if not ask Saikat for it) and also check what is the entry do present in password file.

2. Check the database( Db running on how many instances), services, SLR(standby log redo) status.

3. Important- spool out the parameter details from both the system.

4. Check the Sync Status of Primary and Standby.

5. Check on which node the backup details has been enabled( level 0, level 0, archive, check_archvive_log_usage scripts)

Detailed Steps
0. TNSPING between PRIMARY and DG

Connecting to each node 1,2,3,4 --------> tnsping 1,2,3,4 of DG side one by one and vice-versa.

1. Regrading SYS- Checking the password file 

Lets query the password file users from the database.
select * from v$pwfile_users;

------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------
SYS                            TRUE  TRUE  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE          0

<<<<As of now, we have just the SYS user in the password file >>>------------------------> check this step while switch over- mandatory- 
It will  make ensure us yes our password only have sys user entry,,so that if in future we can edit it we can edit it.

2. To check the database status:
srvctl status database -d database_name

ex. srvctl status database -d jnv

From SQL-

set linesize 200
set trimout on
set space 1
col INSTANCE for a10
col MODE for a11
col ROLE for a10
col HOST for a20
col STATUS for a7
col STARTUP_TIME for a20

To check what are services runnign against database.
srvctl status service -d dbname

Ex. srvctl status service -d jnv

Status of Standby Redo Log file:


<< The output should be same in both the system- for every field>>

3. Important- spool out the parameter details from both the system.
Spool out a text file for every parameter details from both the syste.
Important parameters to look after

1. sga_max_size 
2. sga_target 
3. pga_aggregate_limit
4. pga_aggregate_target
5. shared_pool_reserved_size
6. sort_area_size
7. db_recovery_file_dest_size  
8. result_cache_max_size  

Below commands you can use to check the all the parameter details.

set pages 12000 lines 2000
COLUMN ses_mod FORMAT a10
COLUMN sys_mod FORMAT a10
COLUMN ins_mod FORMAT a10

       p.isses_modifiable as SES_MOD,
       p.issys_modifiable as SYS_MOD,
       p.isinstance_modifiable as INS_MOD
FROM   v$parameter p


Status Of MRP Process: (it should be in applying_log status)

In STANDBY   >   SQL> select inst_id,process,status,client_process,thread#,sequence#,block#,blocks,delay_mins from gv$managed_standby where process like 'MRP%';

---------- --------- ------------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1 MRP0      APPLYING_LOG N/A               1       1112     113379    8388608          0

SYNC status
Primary: SQL> select thread#, max(sequence#) "Last Primary Seq Generated"
from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
where val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
group by thread# order by 1;
PhyStdby: SQL> select thread#, max(sequence#) "Last Standby Seq Received"
from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
where val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
group by thread# order by 1;


2.  During Switch Over Steps- Explained through an example



Please don’t do switch over if the standby database is in “READ ONLY WITH APPLY”.
There might be chances that whole DG configuration may break and have to build from scratch as per Oracle.Oracle recommends to do the switch over while the physical standby is in MOUNTED state.Please refer below metalink note on why it is not recommended to switch over the database during READ ONLY mode.Doc ID 1323789.1

 If the physical Stanby database is in READ ONLY mode. Please switch it to MOUNTED mode

To do so:

P.N- We can start the MRP process either from DG Broker or from SQLPLUS (not from both at time)

1.       Stop the MRP process from standby.

If it is via DG Broker :

STANDBY DB> dgmgrl -> connect sys/password à  show database jnvdg-- > check the state status it should be ON -> then

 edit database jnvdg set state=’APPLY-OFF’;

               If From SQL command:   

P.N- If  DGbroker not functioning properly


2.       Change the status of database from READ ONLY to MOUNTED
2.1    srvctl stop database –d jnvdg

2.2    srvctl start database –d jnvdg –o mount

Now check the status of the DB: 

2.3    srvctl status database –d jnvdg

3.       Start the MRP process

If it is via dgmgrl

              STANDBY DB > dgmgrl -> connect sys/password à  edit database jnvdg set state=’APPLY-ON’;



Once standby Database is MOUNTED /converted to mount state (from READ ONLY mode), please follow below steps to switchover

Expected results
Show current state on primary
1.       Login to primary side
2.  srvctl status database -d jnv
3.  srvctl status service -d jnv
Service jnv1_ground is running on instance(s) jnv1
Service jnv2_ground is running on instance(s) jnv2
Service jnv3_ground is running on instance(s) jnv3
Service jnv4_ground is running on instance(s) jnv4
Service jnv_ground_prd is running on instance(s) jnv1,jnv2,jnv3,jnv4
Service jnvdg_ground_prd is not running.
Service pjnv_ground_prd is running on instance(s) jnv1,jnv2,jnv3,jnv4
Show current state on standby
1.       Login to standby side
2.       srvctl status database -d jnvdg
3.       srvctl status service -d jnvdg

Perform Switchover- Primary side

P.N- We have to have the correct password of SYS.
1.       Return to primary
2.  cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
3.  dgmgrl
4.  connect sys@jnv
5.  show database jnv
6.  show database jnvdg
7.  show database verbose jnv
8.  show database verbose jnvdg
9.       switchover to 'jnvdg'
10.    Wait for switchover to complete
11.    show configuration
12.    show database jnv
13.    show database jnvdg [repeat until lag = 0]
P.N – switchover to ‘jnvdg’   command will shutdown the database and open the database in MOUNT mode.
Show current state on primary (which became Standby now)

1.       Return to primary
2.  srvctl status database -d jnv
3.  srvctl status service -d jnv
Service jnv1_ground is not running.
Service jnv2_ground is not running.
Service jnv3_ground is not running.
Service jnv4_ground is not running.
Service jnv_ground_prd is not running.
Service jnvdg_ground_prd is running on instance(s) jnv1,jnv2,jnv3,jnv4
Service pjnv_ground_prd is not running.
Show current state on standby
(Which became primary now)
1.       Return to secondary
1.       srvctl status database -d jnvdg
2.       srvctl status service -d jnvdg
Service jnv1_ground is running on instance(s) jnvdg1
Service jnv2_ground is running on instance(s) jnvdg2
Service jnv3_ground is running on instance(s) jnvdg3
Service jnv4_ground is running on instance(s) jnvdg4
Service jnv_ground_prd is running on instance(s) jnvdg1,jnvdg2,jnvdg3,jnvdg4
Service jnvdg_ground_prd is not running.
Service pjnv_ground_prd is not running.

P.N- If DG Breaker has problem then Switch over can be done via SQLPLUS as well, but it is always recommended to do it from DG broker only, specifically in RAC.


PRIMARY DATBASE- JNV>  switch from primary to standby

alter database commit to switchover to physical standby with session shutdown;

·         Check the database status

PRIMARY DATABSE-JNV > srvctl status database –d jnv

·         If the database is shutdown, then fine , if not,

PRIMARY DATABASE- jnv> srvctl stop database -d jnv -o immediate

·         Now start the database in mount mode

PRIMARY DATABASE- jnv> srvctl start database –d jnv –o ‘read  only’       not tested

PRIMAY DATABASE jnv> srvctl start database –d jnv –o mount

Then go to each node of JNV database and start the database in read only.

JNV node1- alter database open read only;
JNV node2- alter databasee open read only;
JNV node3- alter databasee open read only;
JNV node4- alter databasee open read only;

·         Start The MRP process in PRIMARY

alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;

·         IN STANDBY DB:     jnvdg

alter database commit to switchover to primary with session shutdown;
alter database recover managed standby database cancel ;
alter database commit to switchover to primary;
Shutdown the database and startup the database;
     Srvctl stop database –d jnvdg
     Srvctl start database –d jnvdg

Post Switch Over Steps -à  Critical

·         Check the status of MRP process and check sync status of both the database using above command.

1.       Schedule  the below backups

1.       Committed out the check_archive_usage.ksh from jnv and enable it on  jnvdg.
2.       Level 0 on jnvdg
3.       Level 1 on jnvdg
4.       Archive Backup on jnvdg

2.  Below script help you out if there is any parameter has been changed after switch over.

p.N- You can specify the specific parameter you to monitor and rest choose default(don’t give anything)

set pages 12000
set linesize 1550
col time for a15
col parameter_name format a50
col old_value format a30
col new_value format a30
break on instance skip 3
select instance_number instance, snap_id, time, parameter_name, old_value, new_value from (
select a.snap_id,to_char(end_interval_time,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') TIME,  a.instance_number, parameter_name, value new_value,
lag(parameter_name,1) over (partition by parameter_name, a.instance_number order by a.snap_id) old_pname,
lag(value,1) over (partition by parameter_name, a.instance_number  order by a.snap_id) old_value ,
decode(substr(parameter_name,1,2),'__',2,1) calc_flag
from dba_hist_parameter a, dba_Hist_snapshot b , gv$instance v
where a.snap_id=b.snap_id
and a.instance_number=b.instance_number
and parameter_name like nvl('&parameter_name',parameter_name)
and a.instance_number like nvl('&instance_number',v.instance_number)
new_value != old_value
and calc_flag not in (decode('&show_calculated','Y',3,2))
order by 1,2


Expected results
Show current state on standby
1.       Login to standby side
2.  srvctl status database -d jnvdg
3.  srvctl status service -d jnvdg

Show current state on primary
1.       Login to primary side
2.       srvctl status database -d jnv
3.       srvctl status service -d jnv

Perform failover
1.       Return to secondary
2.  cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
3.  dgmgrl
4.  connect sys@jnvdg
5.  show database jnv
6.  show database jnvdg
7.  show database verbose jnv
8.  show database verbose jnvdg
9.       switchover to 'jnv'
10.    Wait for switchover to complete
11.    show configuration
12.    show database jnv
13.    show database jnvdg [repeat until lag = 0]

Show current state on primary

1.       Return to primary
2.  srvctl status database -d jnv
3.  srvctl status service -d jnv
Service jnv1_ground is not running
Service jnv_ground_prd is not running.
Service jnvdg_ground_prd is running on instance(s) jnv1,jnv2,jnv3,jnv4
Service pjnv_ground_prd is not running.
Show current state on standby
1.       Return to secondary
1.       srvctl status database -d jnvdg
2.       srvctl status service -d jnvdg
Service jnv1_ground is running on instance(s) jnvdg1
Service jnv2_ground is running on instance(s) jnvdg2
Service jnv3_ground is running on instance(s) jnvdg3
Service jnv4_ground is running on instance(s) jnvdg4
Service jnv_ground_prd is running on instance(s) jnvdg1,jnvdg2,jnvdg3,jnvdg4
Service jnvdg_ground_prd is running on instance(s) jnvdg1,jnvdg2,jnvdg3,jnvdg4
Service pjnv_ground_prd is running on instance(s) jnvdg1,jnvdg2,jnvdg3,jnvdg4

P.N- If DG Breaker has problem then Switch over can be done via SQLPLUS as well, but it is always recommended to do it from DG broker only, specifically in RAC.



alter database commit to switchover to physical standby with session shutdown;

·         Check the database status

PRIMARY DATABSE-JNVdg > srvctl status database –d jnvdg

·         If the database is shutdown, then fine , if not,

PRIMARY DATABASE- jnvdg> srvctl stop database -d jnvdg -o immediate

·         Now start the database in mount mode

PRIMARY DATABASE- jnvdg> srvctl start database –d jnvdg –o ‘read  only’       not tested

PRIMAY DATABASE jnvdg> srvctl start database –d jnvdg –o mount

Then go to each node of JNVdg database and start the database in read only.

JNVdg node1- alter database open read only;
JNVdg node2- alter databasee open read only;
JNVdg node3- alter databasee open read only;
JNVdg node4- alter databasee open read only;
·         Start The MRP process in PRIMARY
alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;

·         IN STANDBY DB:- JNV
alter database commit to switchover to primary with session shutdown;
alter database recover managed standby database cancel ;
alter database commit to switchover to primary;
Shutdown the database and startup the database;
     Srvctl stop database –d jnv
     Srvctl start database –d jnv

Post Switch Back stepss à  Critical

·         Check the status of MRP process and check sync status of both the database using above command.
1.       Schedule  the below backups
5.       Committed out the check_archive_usage.ksh from jnvdg and enable on jnv.
6.       Level 0 on jnv
7.       Level 1 on jnv
8.       Archive Backup on jnv

General notes

·         Source in profile “. /u01/jnv/admin/profile/oracle.profile
·         Service names should be present on secondary, if not, follow the below steps
o /u01/p507/admin/profile=>srvctl status service -d jnvdg
o /u01/p507/admin/profile=>srvctl add service -d jnvdg -s jnv_pci2 -r jnvdg4,jnvdg3,jnvdg2,jnvdg1
o /u01/p507/admin/profile=>srvctl start service -d jnvdg -s jnv_pci2
o /u01/p507/admin/profile=>srvctl status service -d jnvdg
·         to check error --do in standby
·         select message from v$dataguard_status;
·         To switch log file in RAC database
·         alter system archivelog current;

·         Database
·         --------
·         srvctl start database -d db_name [-o start_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
·         srvctl start database -d jnv [-o open]
·         srvctl start database -d jnv -o nomount
·         srvctl start database -d jnv -o mount
·         srvctl stop database -d jnv -o immediate
·         srvctl stop database -d jnv [-o normal]
·         srvctl status database -d jnv
·         srvctl config database -d jnv -a
·         Instance:
·         ---------
·         srvctl add instance –d db_name –i inst_name -n node_name
·         srvctl add instance -d prod -i prod01 -n linux01
·         srvctl remove instance -d prod -i prod01
·          srvctl start instance -d db_name -i inst_names [-o start_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
·         srvctl start instance –d db_name –i inst_names [-o open]
·         srvctl start instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o nomount
·         srvctl start instance –d db_name –i l5062 -o mount
·         srvctl start instance –d dev -i dev2
·         srvctl stop instance -d db_name -i inst_names [-o stop_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
·         srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names [-o normal]
·         srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o transactional
·         srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o immediate
·         srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o abort
·         srvctl stop inst –d vis -i vis
·         Adding a Database Service
·         ----------------------------------------
·         srvctl status service -d dbname
·         srvctl config service -d dbname
·         srvctl start service -d dbname -s servicename
srvctl stop service -d dbname -s servicenam