Wednesday, 29 May 2013


For taking  HOT BACKUP database we have to first make your database into ARCHIVE mode.

Go for it  when the database is off.And most important thing is to make your database into  NOARCHIVE mode if it is in ARCHIVE mode by using the command ALTER DATABASE NOARCHIVELOG.
Here the copy of online redo log files from one position to another position cann't be possible.

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Nov 8 23:25:43 2008

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Enter user-name: sqlplus / as sysdba  (OS Authentication)
Connected to an idle instance.
Now you are in the sqlplus environment.
TO make the database into he cold backup you have to turn the database into 

Below are the steps to follow:

sql> shutdown immediate;
sql> startup mount;
sql> alter database noarchivelog;
sql> alter database open;
Now, check whether your database is in which mode by executing the 
below code in your sql environment.
sql> select log_mode from v$database;
output should be: NOARCHIVEMODE
So leave it , whenever we will talk about the COLDBACKUP we will 
discuss more about it.
NOW, concentrate on making the HOT BACKUP.
to  do the HOTBACKUP we have to follow the same 
procedure as in the COLD BACKUp with some minor changes.

steps to follow:
sql> shutdown immediate;
sql> startup mount;
sql> alter database archivelog;
sql> alter database open;
Now the real journey begins 
Now you are using ORACLE11g R12 you have RMAN installed automatically  
in your system because it is embedded with the 
oracle installation.
 open your RMAN by writing just'rman' in the run box and you will 
directed  to rman prompt(a COMMAND LINE INTERFACE)
RMAN> Connect target /     // it will connect to the target database.
RMAN> show all;
Shows all parameters.

RMAN configuration parameters are:
CONFIGURE SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME TO '/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/dbs/snapcf_TARGDB.f'; # default

 You have to make  CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON  (Configure RMAN to back up the control file after each backup)
By default, RMAN automatically names control file backups and stores them in the flash recovery area.
To configure RMAN to write control file backups to any directory: lets for example I want to put in my 'D' drive "backup " directory.
( %F will generate a unique filename)



By default, the initial format is %F for all devices. Any default format string specified with CONFIGURE must include the %F substitution variable (see BACKUP). This variable translates into c-IIIIIIIIII-YYYYMMDD-QQ, where:

RMAN> backup database;

Starting backup at 13-MAY-13
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=434 devtype=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backupset
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backupset
input datafile fno=00001 name=/u02/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf
input datafile fno=00003 name=/u02/oradata/orc/sysaux01.dbf
input datafile fno=00002 name=/u02/oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf
input datafile fno=00004 name=/u02/oradata/orc/test_db1.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 13-may-13
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 13-may-13
piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/DPROD/backupset/2006_09_13/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20060913T103349_2
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25
Finished backup at 13-may-13

Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 13-may-13
piece handle=D/backup/C_601036454_2jjj8px2_ comment=NONE
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 13-may-13

Now we can check your directory i.e in flash_recovery ---> backup folder ,you will see the backup data files are present and in C:/backup directory the controlfile and spfile are get stored.

Now ,you  want to restore the database.

RMAN> shutdown immediate;   (I guess you know what is shutdown immediate means.(Roll back   all active transaction and disconnected all connected users.)

RMAN> exit;
Now again open the RMAN as i said in above procedure and connected to target database.
Note :
To check out whether all your control file and redo file are get restored in their original position or not,
what you have to do is, manually you have to delete all the file that is present in /oradata/orcl directory(talking about oracle 11g R2)
(better make a back of those files in another drive so that if any case any problem happens ,you can take those files once again and keep it in 
.oradata/orcl folder)
RMAN> connected target /
RMAN> startup nomount;    //because to restore the control file (nomount,mount and open concept)
Nomount: Nothing gets read out only the instance gets started without mount and open.
RMAN>select spfile from 'd:/backup/C_601036454_2jjfsdfdsfj8px2_'; 
RMAN> select controlfile from 'path to your directory where the control files are get 
stored while at the time of backing up the database.
RMAN>select controlfile from 'd:/backup/C_601036454_2jjj8px2_';
Now check the orcl directory your control files are get restored. so one step completed.
step2. for restoring the data files. 

RMAN> alter database mount;

RMAN> restore database;

check the orcl directory your data files are get restored.
RMAN> recover database;
Here you might be get an error like:
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 11/04/2009 16:11:16

RMAN-06054: media recovery requesting unknown log: thread 1 seq 1234 lowscn 83314466

Reason: RMAN cann't find the online redo logfiles. 
Oracle will restore your database. It will also 
automatically recover the archived redo logs for you, so you don't have to worry 
about it. 
But it's a incomplete recovery(for that reason only we have used RMAN> alter database open resetlogs; below) 

SOLUTION for this error is to :

RMAN> recover database until cancel;


RMAN> alter database open resetlogs; ( I preferred this one) 
// here all the redo log files are get restored in the original directory)

Thanks....hope you find some interesting ..... Have a good day..

Friday, 17 May 2013

EVEN photos have EMOTIONS

The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat him. This picture shocked the whole world. No one knows what happened to the child, including the photographer Kevin Carter who left the place as soon as the photograph was taken.

Three months later he committed suicide due to depression.  

   This is a famous picture, taken in 1930, showing tho young black men accused of raping a white girl, hanged by a mob of 10,000 white men. The mob took them by force from the county jailhouse. Another black man was saved from lynching by the girl’s uncle who said he was innocent. Even if lynching photos were designed to boost white supremacy, the tortured bodies and grotesquely happy crowds ended up revolting many.

 This picture won the Pulitzer Breaking News Photography 2007 award. Photo’s citation reads, “Awarded to Oded Balilty of The Associated Press for his powerful photograph of a lone Jewish woman defying Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the West Bank.â€?

 Attock a part of Pakistan now passed one of the biggest rivers in the world, the Indus connecting the India and Pakistan largest canal system in the world  before the Pakistani Independance.  

 The Photograph That Destroyed an Industry

Forget the Titanic, the Lusitania, and the comparatively unphotogenic accident at Chernobyl. Thanks to the power of images, the explosion of the Hindenburg on May 6, 1937, claims the dubious honor of being the quintessential disaster of the 20th century

"Gandhi at his Spinning Wheel," the defining portrait of one of the 20th century's most influential figures, almost didn't happen, thanks to the Mahatma's strict demands. Granted a rare opportunity to photograph India's leader; Life staffer Margaret Bourke-White was all set to shoot when Gandhi's secretaries stopped her cold: If she was going to photograph Gandhi at the spinning wheel (a symbol for India's struggle for independence), she first had to learn to use one herself.

    The use of artificial light was well executed, as is evident by the specular highlights of the paint on the face to give it that extra shiny look. This photo has lovely composition, great ideation and beautiful colours.    

    The only day when you cry & your mom will smile.      

  At the Indian village pond   

A policeman speaks to a young boy at a parade in Washington DC.  The
two-year-old boy is trying to cross the street during the parade.   

          Apprentice lineman J.D. Thompson is breathing life into the mouth of another
apprentice lineman, Randall G. Champion, who hangs unconscious after
receiving a jolt of high voltage electricity.  Photographer Rocco Morabito
was driving in Jacksonville on West 26th Street in July 1967 on another
assignment when he documented the event. 

    City of India .

    Handicapped but able.   

War between life and death,

Hope you like it and there are many more such photos are available but these are my best .


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Copying Files and Directories commands for DBAs:

Many of our tasks deals with copying of Data within same and Different server from Windows to Linux(Unix Based) OS or from any Unix based Operating system
to Other Unix based Operating system.

1)tar:tar stands for translate archive.It is most favourite commands for Apps DBAs when performing clonning and refreshing of environment,we use this command for copying huge size directories from one environment to other environment,tar when combined with gzip is the best combination.tar is the most powerful command.

2)scp:scp stands for secure copy.It is the fastest command for copying,again handy tool for DBAs and Apps DBAs.It is use to copy files and directories from one server to another server.

3)gzip and gunzip:gzip is use for compressing files on Unix-based system and gunzip is use for uncompressing the files on Unix-based systems i.e Solaris,Linux,IBM-AIX,HP-UX.
Again very useful command for DBA.

Eg 1:Let's say I want to tar and zip a directory 'bin' and copy it to target server

On Source System:

Tarring and zipping:

tar -cvf - bin | gzip >bin.tar.gz

On Target System:

Copying to Target system:

scp -rp .


Extracting and Untarring:

gunzip -c bin.tar.gz|tar -xvf -

Eg 2:

For Compressing:

Let's say you are currently in /product/obiee Directoy and want to compress and zip the OracleBIData Directory,than it can be done as follows:

tar -cvf  /product/obiee/OracleBIData.tar OracleBIData/

>ls -altr
total 987816
drwxr-x---   9 obiee    psapps      1024 Jul  6  2010 OracleBIData
drwxr-xr-x   4 obiee    psapps        96 Jul  9  2010 java
drwxr-x---  20 obiee    psapps      1024 Dec  9  2010 OracleBI
drwxr-xr-x  16 applmgr  oinstall    1024 May 12  2011 ..
drwxrwxrwx   5 obiee    oinstall    1024 Aug  8 21:05 .
-rw-r--r--   1 obidev2  psapps   505448448 Aug  8 21:17 OracleBIData.tar

For Zipping the Directory:

$gzip OracleBIData.tar

>ls -altr
total 78256
drwxr-x---   9 obiee    psapps      1024 Jul  6  2010 OracleBIData
drwxr-xr-x   4 obiee    psapps        96 Jul  9  2010 java
drwxr-x---  20 obiee    psapps      1024 Dec  9  2010 OracleBI
drwxr-xr-x  16 applmgr  oinstall    1024 May 12  2011 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 obidev2  psapps   40054038 Aug  8 21:17 OracleBIData.tar.gz

Eg 3:

For Unzipping the Directory:

$gunzip OracleBIData.tar.gz

For untarring/extracting the Directory:

$tar -xvf OracleBIData.tar


tar with gzip are the best method to take the backup of directory,since we can do it very fast and it saves the Disk space efficiently.

Note:tar command options are operating system dependent,so please check with man command command for using various options.

4)rsync:rsync is a great tool for backing up and restoring files,from source system to target system.It is Useful tool for DBAs.It is very important to remember this command works on linux and Doesn't work on Solaris Operating system as rsync doesn't have manual entry on it.

Eg 4:Copy all directories and file structure with all the ownership,permissions and symbolic links.

On Target System:

rsync -arv /tmp/rafi/backup_bin

(/tmp/rafi=>current working directory on Target Server)

5)sftp:sftp stands for secure file transfer protocol.some times if scp ports are disabled due to security reason than you can use sftp.It is very much secure way
of copying files and directories from source to target Server.This is very useful for DBAs and Apps DBAs.

Eg 5:Copying files from one server to other server

Using sftp for copying from qb to prod:

On Target System:

oracle@[testpapp01cdp]-> sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /tmp/rafi
sftp> ls
sftp> get lookup_xxtwc_perf_level_planned_perc.ldt
Fetching /tmp/rafi/lookup_xxtwc_perf_level_planned_perc.ldt to lookup_xxtwc_perf_level_planned_perc.ldt

6)winscp:winscp is GUI(Graphical user interface) based tool for copying files from windows to Linux(Unix environment) and vice-versa.I like this tool very much,since it is very much user friendly.But,for copying large amount of data it takes using this tool.In this tool you can save the machine name and login with privilege user and copy the files.

7)ftp:ftp stands for  file transfer protocol and use for copying files from windows to linux(Unix environment) and vice-versa.This is fast method of copying files.
 2mb of data can be copied in less than 5 minutes.

Eg 7:

On Target System(Windows):

Go to the target folder in windows.

C:\Documents and Settings\rafiuddin_alvi>cd D:\TEST

C:\Documents and Settings\rafiuddin_alvi>d:

Connected to
220 FTP server ready.
User ( oracle
331 Password required for oracle.
230 User oracle logged in.
ftp> help
Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:

!               delete          literal         prompt          send
?               debug           ls              put             status
append          dir             mdelete         pwd             trace
ascii           disconnect      mdir            quit            type
bell            get             mget            quote           user
binary          glob            mkdir           recv            verbose
bye             hash            mls             remotehelp
cd              help            mput            rename
close           lcd             open            rmdir
ftp> cd /tmp/rafi
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
total 4640
-rwxrwxrwx   1 oracle  twcother 2272275 Aug  6 03:18 cn_reports.rpd
-rwxrwxrwx   1 oracle  twcother    8115 Jul  7 19:07 DisputeSrchPG.xml
-rwxrwxrwx   1 appldev2 oinstall     916 Jul 25 04:38 L6958530.log
-rwxrwxrwx   1 appldev2 oinstall     880 Aug  6 08:06 L6960409.log
-rwxr-xr-x   1 oracle  twcother      23 Aug  8 20:11
-rwxrwxrwx   1 appldev2 oinstall   22889 Jul 25 04:38 XX_QUINTILE_BATCH.ldt
-rwxrwxrwx   1 oracle  twcother    1802 Jul  5 06:48 XXTaskPerzSumCO.class
-rwxrwxrwx   1 oracle  twcother    1934 Jul  7 19:07 XXTaskSummaryCO.class
-rwxrwxrwx   1 appldev2 oinstall   20235 Aug  6 08:06 XXTWC_REPORT_METRIC_VAL
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 672 bytes received in 0.08Seconds 8.62Kbytes/sec.
ftp> get
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for (23 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 24 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 24000.00Kbytes/sec.

ftp> get cn_reports.rpd
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for cn_reports.rpd (2272275 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 2284457 bytes received in 113.08Seconds 20.20Kbytes/sec.

     To exit ftp:
ftp> bye
221-You have transferred 2284481 bytes in 2 files.
221-Total traffic for this session was 2285843 bytes in 3 transfers.
221-Thank you for using the FTP service on
221 Goodbye.

b)Putting files from source(Windows) to Target(Linux):

ftp> mput my_docs.txt
mput my_docs.txt? y
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for my_docs.txt.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
total 4640
-rwxrwxrwx   1 oracle  twcother 2272275 Aug  6 03:18 cn_reports.rpd
-rwxrwxrwx   1 oracle  twcother    8115 Jul  7 19:07 DisputeSrchPG.xml
-rwxrwxrwx   1 appldev2 oinstall     916 Jul 25 04:38 L6958530.log
-rwxrwxrwx   1 appldev2 oinstall     880 Aug  6 08:06 L6960409.log
-rw-r--r--   1 oracle  twcother       0 Aug  8 20:48 my_docs.txt
-rwxr-xr-x   1 oracle  twcother      23 Aug  8 20:11

8)cp:cp is the most basic command in linux(Unix environment) for copying files within same directory or directories on Same server.

Eg 8:To copy to Target location /tmp/rafi,we can use below command.

testdapp01cdc(/export/home/oracle) >cp /tmp/rafi

testdapp01cdc(/tmp/rafi) >ls -altr *test*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 oracle  twcother      23 Aug  8 20:11

Oracle DBA Commands

1. List of Database Instances running on DB server

-bash-4.1$ ps -ef | grep smon

  root   1147      1   0   Mar 30 ?                 484:50 /u01/app/
  oracle   1818      1   0   Mar 30 ?                0:25 asm_smon_+ASM1
  oracle   2662      1   0   Mar 30 ?                1:34 ora_smon_remotedba1
  oracle   4487   4449   0 08:43:17 pts/1       0:00 grep smon

SMON is the must run database process. So check no of smon's listed by above command and you will come to know number of DB instances running. 
       1. asm_smon +ASM1 and 2. remotedba1

If database is not running, Remote DBA can see error like "ORA-01034 : ORACLE not available. ORA-27101 : shared memory realm does not exist" This can be resolve by starting the database. 

2. Setting $ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_SID environment Variable 

To log into the Database, $ORACLE_HOME environment variable must be set, you can set this each time you log in or can fix this permanently in .bash_profile file. A DBA can fix this permanently.

-bash-4.1$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/

If you don't know, your environment ORACLE_HOME path, use simple techniques to find out.

-bash-4.1$ export ORACLE_SID=remotedba1

Since, you might have more than one instance running on a server, so you have to set ORACLE_SID
variable to work on a specific instance.

-bash-4.1$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
-bash-4.1$ ./sqlplus sys as sysdba

3. Cross Check Instance Name After login

This is the most important Oracle DBA command, When you work on more than one instances on single server. So you frequently switch between Database Instances and suppose you want to shutdown DB instance DB1 but by mistake you forgot to set ORACLE_SID for test_DB1 and ORACLE_SID was set to prod_db1 and you shutdown the database.

I believe you have understood, what i want to say. So, i would strongly suggest to check instance
name before doing any change in to database.

SQL> select instance_name from v$instance;


In case of RAC, Suppose there are two instances.

SQL> select instance_name from gv$instance;


4. Verify Instance Status

A database instance can be in no mount, mount and open status. Important to notice is user can only
connect to the database if it's status is "open". So if, you have done some changes in Database
and restarted the DB instance make sure it's status is "open"

SQL> select STATUS from v$instance;


In RAC env. Suppose there are two instances.

SQL> select STATUS from gv$instance;

5. Listener is Up and Running

Though, everything is fine and Database is also running, Network between client and server is responding even then Remote DBA is not able to connect to Database Instance. In this case Listener could be the problem. If Listener is not up and running, you can't connect to database instance using tnsname from a client system.

Command to check Listener status

[oracle@test instance]$ lsnrctl status

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 25-MAY-2011 11:46:47
Copyright (c) 1991, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=192.168.4.***)(PORT=1521)))
Alias                     LISTENER
Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
Start Date                24-MAY-2011 10:38:30
Uptime                    1 days 1 hr. 8 min. 17 sec
Trace Level               off
Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
SNMP                      OFF
Listener Parameter File   /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
Listener Log File         /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "test01" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "test01", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully.

if your output is like above than at least there is no problem from listener running point of view , otherwise DBA has to trouble shoot this.

6. Available free Disk Space

-bash-4.1$ df -h

Filesystem             Size   Used  Available Capacity  Mounted on
                        30G    18G         0K   100%    /
/devices                 0K     0K         0K     0%    /devices
/dev                     0K     0K         0K     0%    /dev
ctfs                     0K     0K         0K     0%    /system/dba
swap                    26G   1.3M        26G     1%    /system/swap

Though, this is a three letter command, but can save remote DBA from so many problem and can resolve same number of problems as well.Suppose, Database server mount point having UDUMP / BDUMP / CDUMP is full and you restart the database.

Database will not start and will give "ORA-09817: Write to audit file failed No space left on device" . However, deleting some old trace files can solve this. But, i would suggest to keep an eye on all mount points using some cron job etc.

7. Ping and Tnsping

These are basic commands for Remote DBA to trouble shoot Client server database connection issues. Sometimes, set up is absolutely fine even then client and server connection doesn't happen. To resolve these issues DBA can use these commands.


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=432ms TTL=245
Reply from bytes=32 time=424ms TTL=245
Reply from bytes=32 time=446ms TTL=245

If you are getting reply from Database Server as shown in above output. This means networking is not the issue now, you have to look at some other directions like tnsname.ora, sqlnet.ora configuration etc and use tnsping for further investigate.


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

Above command shows that, client is not able to connect to Database Server. In this case DBA has to take help from Networking team.

Below command show, How to check client server connection using tnsping {service name} 

-bash-4.1$ /u01/app/oracle/product/ remote_db1

TNS Ping Utility for Solaris: Version - Production on 26-APR-2013 10:08:08
Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = remote_db1-scan)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = remote_db1)))
OK (270 msec)

If you got OK at last of the output it is fine. Otherwise, you might get error like below

-bash-4.1$ /u01/app/oracle/product/ remote_db2

TNS Ping Utility for Solaris: Version - Production on 26-APR-2013 11:18:42
Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name

In this case, look at tnsname.ora configured on client system.


Thursday, 9 May 2013

Creating a Database using Database Configuration Assistant

Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) provides a graphical interface for database creation and database configuration. This document will detail the creation of a database using the Database Configuration Assistant.

On UNIX systems Database Configuration Assistant can be started with ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca. On Windows systems Database Configuration Assistant can be found in the Start menu under All Programs | Oracle Home | Configuration and Migration Tools.

After the initialization process completes you will be presented with the Welcome screen. Click the Next button to continue.

On the Operations dialog you have ability to Create, Configure Database Options and Delete a database. If DBCA is started on server with no databases configured and registered only the Create Database and Manage Templates options will be available.

Templates are a way to standardize and automate the creation of databases. DBCA includes three templates by default. Ensure that the Create Database option is selected and click the Next button to continue.

On the Database Templates dialog you have the ability to choose from three default templates. The General Purpose or Transaction Processing template builds a database with configurations geared for OLTP type of access and the Data Warehouse template builds a database with configurations geared toward data warehouse activities. The third option, Custom Database is provides the most flexibility in database configuration and will be the template used in this document.
You can inspect the configuration options by selecting a template and then click the Show Details… button. A new dialog window will appear detailing the Oracle components to be installed, character set, initialization parameters and file names and locations.

Ensure Custom Database is selected and click the Next button to continue.

The Global Database Name is in the format < database name >.< domain name >. The database to be created in this document is odlin11g and the domain name is resulting in a Global Database Name of The SID is generally the first 13 characters of the database name.

Provided a Global Database Name and SID then click the Next button to continue.

On the Management Options dialog you have the choice between using Enterprise Manager Database Console or registering the new database with Grid Control. An Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Agent must be installed and running in order to register the database with Grid Control.
In this example the agent is not installed so the only option available is to use Database Control for local management. When using the Database Control you can choose to enable alert notification and schedule daily disk based backups. For this example we are not enabling the alert notifications or the daily backups.

Click the Automatic Maintenance Tasks tab.

Under the Automatic Maintenance Task tab you have the ability enable or disable database maintenance jobs such as statistics collections, SQL tuning recommendations, As stated in the dialog these jobs are scheduled to run in default maintenance windows between 10pm and 2am weekdays and all weekend long.

After making any desired changes click the Next button to continue.

On the database credentials dialog you have the ability to provide a distinct password for the administrative users or use one password for all administrative users.
You might get a warning on the passwords chosen if they do not meet the following format: at least 8 characters in length, at least 1 upper case letter, at least 1 lower case letter and at least 1 digit. Enter the passwords and click the Next button to continue.

On the Database File Locations dialog you have the option of storing the files on a file system or ASM. ASM is only available as an option if an ASM instance is present on the server.
For the Storage Locations there are three options: Locations stored in template, Common location for all database files, Oracle-Managed files.
Locations from Template- DBCA will use the directory information contained in the template.
Common Location for All Database Files- All database files will be stored in the location provided.
Oracle-Managed Files- All database files will be stored in a location provided. File naming, creation and deletion is handled automatically by the database. Using this option you can choose to multiplex the redo logs and control files.
The File Location Variables… button can be used view the values to be used for the variables {ORACLE_BASE}, {ORACLE_HOME}, {DB_NAME}, {DB_UNIQUE_NAME}, {SID}.
For this example the files will be stored on the file system using a common location for all files.

You can choose to enable the Fast (Flash) Recovery Area by providing a location along with a maximum size to be utilized by the Fast Recovery Area. The Fast Recovery Area is used to store and manage files related to backup and recovery of the database. The Fast Recovery Area is separate from the database files and is managed by the Fast Recovery Area Size.
If you choose to enable archiving you can click the Edit Archive Mode Parameters in which you enable automatic archiving, log file format and the destination in which to write the archive logs.

Click the Next button to continue.

On Database Options dialog you can select database components and the locations in which to install them including creating a new table space if necessary. Note: If you are creating a database for production use you should only install options in which you have a license.
Click the Standard Database Components… button to change the install locations for components such as XML DB, Java Virtual Machine, Application Express and Oracle Multimedia.

The XML DB option can be further customized by clicking the Customize… button.

Make any changes to the XML DB configuration and click the OK button to return to the Standard Database Components dialog. Click the Cancel button if you have no changes to make. On the Standard Database Components dialog click the OK button to go back to the Database Content dialog.
On the Database Content dialog click the Custom Scripts tab.

If you were to have any scripts that need to be executed after the creation of the database you can add them on this dialog. Note that the scripts run in the order listed. You can use the arrow buttons on the right to change the order of execution.

After making your changes click the Next button to leave the Database Content dialog.

The Initialization Parameters dialog contains four sections: Memory, Sizing, Character Sets, Connection Mode.
Oracle 11g introduced Automatic Memory Management as means of further simplifying sizing of the SGA and PGA. Instead of providing values for the SGA and PGA you can provide one value that the instance will use to automatically adjust memory components in the SGA and individual PGAs as needed. Automatic Memory Management is selected by default.
If desired you can select the Custom option and choose Manual Memory Management.
The All Initialization Parameters… button will bring up a window that list all of the initialization parameters. Using this screen you see all of the values to be assigned to the parameters as well as choose to override the values.

Click the Close button to close the Initialization Parameters window.
Click the Sizing tab
On the Sizing tab you can specify the block size and the maximum number for processes that can simultaneously connect to the database.

Click the Character Sets tab
The character set determines which languages can be represented in the database. The default character set is based on the language setting of the host operating system. You also have the choice between a Unicode character set or selecting a national character set.

Click the Connection Mode tab

On the Connection Mode tab you can choose between dedicated server mode or shared server mode. In dedicated server mode each user process has a dedicated server process. This mode is used in situations were the number of client connections is small or when clients typically make long running database requests. Dedicated connection mode is the default connection mode.
In a shared server connection mode client processes share a database-allocated pool of server processes. This mode is used in situations were the number of clients is expected to be high with typically small work loads. When selecting a shared server configuration you will need to provide the number of server process to create a database startup.

After making any necessary changes click the Next button to continue.
Database Storage

On the Database Storage dialog you can structure of the database by adding, removing or modifying control files, data files and online redo log groups. You can only make changes to the structure if you did not choose a pre-configured template.

Click the Next button to continue.

You have the options of creating a template and or generate database creation scripts. If you choose to generate a template it will be available for selection on future executions of DBCA. The custom scripts can be used to create a database with all the selections made during this run of DBCA.
Click the Finish button to create the database.

The Confirmation page detail all the choices made previously that will be used to create the database.

After reviewing the summary page if you find that you need to make changes click the cancel button to go back to the Creation Options dialog and use the back button to go back to the dialog in which you need to make changes, otherwise click the OK button to start the database creation.

The progress dialog will detail the database creation process along with showing the percentage complete.

After the database creation is complete the last dialog will provide details such as the global database name, system identifier (SID) and the locations of the server parameter file and encryption key. Also provided on this dialog is the URL in which to connect to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Console.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Manual hot backup/restore of an Oracle 11gR2 database

Every one thinking about RMAN(Recovery Manager) when we are talking about the Database backup and recovery. But there are still different some different procedures are preset via which we can backup and restore or recover the database,.Ex. import and export and manually etc

Here are the manually hot backup /restore of an Oracle 11gR2 database.

The steps to successfully accomplish a manual hot backup and restore of an Oracle11gR2 database without using the RMAN utility.


Perform the following steps to set up your database for a backup operation

1. Determine the location of your database. For example, in oracle 11gR2 default install location for a database instance with SID=UPGRADE would be:


2. Database comprises of control files, redo log files, Data files

3. Locate the pfile and spfile of your database instance, and back them up if necessary. (refer to this link)
4. Connect to your database instance using sqlplus. Run the following command on the command prompt
               C:\>sqlplus / as sysdba 

5. Run the following query on the SQL Plus syntax to determine if you are connected to the right database
              Query: Select name from v$database;

Set up the database to be able to perform a hot backup-

1. Check if the database is in archivelogmode

             Query: Select log_mode from v$database;
2. If the database is not in archivelogmode then put the database in the archive log mode

        a.) View the location where the archive logs would be written

                         Query:  show parameter log_archive_dest_1;

        b.) Set the value of this parameter to a desired location

                        Query:  alter system set log_archive_dest_1=’LOCATION=<path to desired directory>’ scope=spfile;

                        Example: alter system set 

log_archive_dest_1=’LOCATION=c:\my_directory_for_logfiles’ scope=spfile;

        c.) Shutdown the database
                        Query: shutdown immediate;

        d.) Start database in mount mode
                        Query:  startup mount;

        e.) Alter the database to start archive logging
                       Query: Alter database archivelog;

        f.) Open the database so that it is available for transactions
                      Query: Alter database open;

        g.) Verify that the database is in archivelogmode
                      Query: select log_mode from v$database;

  h.) View other details of the archive logging
                        Query: Archive log list;

Note- One can switch the current archive log by executing the command
                        Query: Alter system archive log current;

Taking a hot backup-
Now that we have prepared our database for a hot backup, we can go ahead with actually backing up the files.
Follow the following steps to take hot backup of the tablespaces

1. Find out the number of tablespaces associated with the database
               Query: Select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;

   The output is a list which contains names of tablespaces you will need to backup for the whole database.

2. Find out if the tablespaces are ready for hot backup
              Query: Run select * from v$backup;

   If the output says not active then it is not in hot backup mode

Note- Make sure that the database is in archivelog mode before trying to attempt this. You cannot take a hot backup of your tablespaces unless your database is operating in the archive log mode

3. Put the tablespaces in hot backup mode

               Query: Alter database begin backup;
               Query: Select * from v$backup;
   Now the output should say active.

 4. Copy the tablespace files on the hard drive to the backup location.

5. Put the tablespaces out of the backupmode
             Query: Alter database end backup;

6. Verify that the tablespaces indeed have come out of the backup mode
             Query: Select * from v$backup;

7. Switch the archive log
             Query: Alter system archive log current;

8. Backup the control file
Note- Don’t use the operating system’s copy command to do this
             Query: Alter database backup controlfile to ‘<path>\ backup filename’

9. Copy the archive logs to the backup location
Backup of the database finished.

Restoring the oracle database from a hot backup
1. Copy the tablespace files from the backup location to the installation directory of the database instance. Also copy the controlfilebackup.

2. Rename it to CONTROL01.CTL as it was earlier.
Note- If you had another copy of the control file with the name CONTROL02.CTL, then just create a second copy of the CONTROL01.CTL and rename it CONTROL02.CTL

3. DO NOT COPY OR restore the REDO logs. If the REDO logs from the previous backup period persist then delete them

4. Start the database in mount mode
              Query: startup mount;

5. Recover your database using the following
              Query: Recover database until cancel using backup controlfile;

Note- the oracle system will suggest an ‘archive log file name’ to use for recovery, if you have copied the backup logs to the same location which was being used for storing the logs by the database, then u can just keep on pressing enter. Or you may give the full path to the log file.

6. When you have applied all the logs that you had used to take the backup, then write cancel on the prompt and press enter. 

7. The transaction logs have been applied. Run the following query to open the database for transactions

 Query: Alter database open resetlogs;
Restore complete.....

Now CHECK IT carefully..

Now, if you going and start your instance and try to open the database if it gets open without giving any error means you are right there and you hit the bulls eye.
But ,if the database is not opened,hen you are forced to get the below error:

ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open  .

like this----->

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>set oracle_sid=dev
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Aug 7 10:13:03 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
SQL> conn sys as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> select open_mode from v$database;
SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open

The Solution for it:
sql> alter database open resetlog; 

DID the below process after login into the database with sqlplus
shut immediate;
startup mount:
alter databse open resetlogs;

your database will be up and running :)

The true cause for getting this error is:

Cause: Either incomplete or backup controlfile recovery has been performed. After these types of recovery you must specify either the RESETLOGS option or the NORESETLOGS
option to open your database.

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